Enterprise Rental Car Contract Agreement

This state contract provides for the rental of vehicles to travel inside and outside the state. Daily, weekly and monthly rates are available for 12 vehicle categories, including passenger cars, sport utility vehicles, vans and vans, as well as a standard hybrid vehicle. Contract rates include roadside assistance, unlimited mileage (excluding out-of-state one-way rentals), and collision/loss liability and damage coverage (excluding recreational rentals). Customers should refer to the « Rental Vehicle User Manual » in the « Contract Information » section above for booking, pick-up and return procedures, as well as additional information on contract requirements and customer eligibility. Account application oppenheimer cine rental llc Unique or company name Street address City, state, zip code Production type Federal registered tax number? in what condition? Condition? Phone number Fax number 7400 3rd avenue south seattle, wa. D) The Renter may at any time request Enterprise to provide a copy of the rental agreement, the policy ticket and the receipt attesting that they have been paid. A) By signing the rental agreement, the tenant confirms that he assumes full responsibility for all traffic and parking penalties during the rental agreement and all other violations of the law and their consequences. B) If the tenant receives traffic or parking penalties during his rental period, he must present the ticket to the company representative with the confirmation of payment. Sga Enterprise Rent -a-Car Rental Booking Form Students complete this section Department: Student Organization: Event: Smarter / Number: Vehicle Type: Number of Vehicles Needed: Required Date: Time of Day: Return. For more information, check out our Guide to U.S.

Car Rental Insurance. Instructions (incomplete forms will be returned): 1. The tenant must sign this form 2. Attach the doctor`s original letters 3. Attach a clear copy of your rental agreement to 4. Send a letter to your fraud warning: It is a crime to provide false or misleading information. Appendix Example 3 Enterprise Rentals Application for Centralized Billing with American Express Business Travel Account the department of participation with Enterprise Rental in the American Express bta car rental program. if you have one. One-way international rentals are available between Armenia and Georgia.

E) If the renter does not return the vehicle to the place of return / place of return specified at the time specified in the rental agreement, the company will charge an additional daily price on the rental amount after one hour of delay. If the renter does not return the Vehilce to the agreed point, which is not the location of Enterprise Rent-A-Car in the city center, or if it is outside opening hours, he is fully responsible for delivery or charges outside opening hours. Personal accident insurance/ personal effects coverage (PAI/PEC) is offered at the time of rental for an additional daily fee. If the PAI included in the policy is accepted, tenants and tenants will receive an accidental death, accident fee and ambulance fee. The EWC included in the policy insures the personal belongings of the tenant, the additional driver or a member of the tenant`s immediate family who lives permanently in the tenant`s household and travels with the tenant against the risk of loss or damage. Benefits are payable in addition to any other insurance coverage that the renter or passengers may have. This is just a summary. PAI/PEC is subject to the terms, restrictions and exclusions of the PAI/PEC policy signed by Empire Fire and Marine Insurance Company or Empire Liability Insurance Company, depending on the location of rental. The purchase of PAI/PEC is optional and is not necessary to rent a car. The coverage provided by PAI/PEC may duplicate the tenant`s existing coverage.

The company is not qualified to assess the suitability of the tenant`s existing coverage; Therefore, the tenant should review their personal insurance policies or other sources of coverage that may duplicate the coverage provided by PAI/PEC. Fees for PAI/PEC range from $3.00 to $7.00 per day. Enterprise Rent-A-Car allows domestic one-way rental. Due to the lack of physical locations, the service must be requested at least 48 hours in advance. A meeting and reception service is provided. The customer`s signature on the rental agreement indicates that the tenant confirms and accepts that he has read and accepts these conditions. The rental conditions and the rental contract are considered inseparable. C) The renter will check the condition of the vehicle upon delivery by the supplier and will accept by signing that it corresponds to the description in the protocol of delivery / acceptance of the vehicle, which is an inseparable part of the rental contract. . . .