Que Son Los Grupos Formales

Informal groups of companies are not formed by the directors of the company, they are formed in their own way and usually develop for reasons such as common interests, proximity or the needs of people outside the formal organization. Formal and informal groups, which differ within companies, are of great importance, because thanks to them, better concordance, understanding and balance are developed, which leads to the proper functioning and success©of the company. when responsibilities are established in solving the company`s internal problems. To do this, they are divided into groups, respecting the individuality of each individual and adapting to clear leadership. Informal groups provide a very important service because they meet the social needs of their members. Due to the interactions that result from spatial proximity or the execution of tasks, it is observed that employees often perform activities together. B for example playing golf, coming home from group work, having lunch and talking during breaks. We must recognize that these relationships between individuals, while informal, profoundly affect their behavior and performance. Formal groups determine the organizational behavior of a company and are considered in this way, because they are organized around the objectives of the company, that is, with a clearly defined intentionality. We understand that this is a formal group because it is not driven by a social dynamic, but by pure work or the achievement of a goal, and we can divide it one after the other into two groups: belonging: groups satisfy social needs. People like the frequent treatment for which the groups are suitable.

For many people, this exchange in the workplace is the main factor in meeting the needs of their members. Since the existence of man, the instinct of socialization and therefore the formation of groups has manifested itself. Over time, it has been possible to determine that groups can be classified, and so today there is a difference between the formal and informal group. In addition to knowing what formal and informal groups are, it is also good to know why groups are formed within a company. Understand that these meet the social and psychological needs of people while allowing the resolution of work activities. Based on these needs and in order to achieve a specific goal, we form social or professional groups. With regard to this statement, we would like to recommend the different courses and postgraduate courses that Euroinnova offers to address the effective formation of working groups. At this business school specializing in online training, courses such as the Leadership and Team Management Specialist are available. Visit their website and get the most comprehensive information about it. Formal groups are deliberately created by managers and are responsible for performing certain tasks to help the organization achieve its goals.

In order for the projected objectives in an organization to be achieved and achieved, the involvement of the group is necessary, so that we can conclude by saying that formal groups are a fundamental element of the sustainability of an organization. In general, in their development, groups go through a basic sequence that we call the model of the five stages of group development. However, recent studies suggest that groups that need to complete certain tasks in a given amount of time follow a very different pattern. There is no exclusive reason for individuals to gather in groups. Since almost all of us belong to several groups, it is obvious that each one offers us different advantages. The main reasons why people form groups are: under certain conditions, intense conflicts focus on the performance of the group, so we would expect that in such situations, groups that were in the 2nd phase, groups that were in the 2nd phase, surpass groups in performance, which were located on levels 3 and 4. Apart from that, groups don`t always come clearly from one stage to the next. In fact, sometimes several phases take place at the same time, for example. B when the groups are both in the conflict phase and in the performance phase.

Formal groups can be permanent or temporary. Permanent working groups or command groups in the vertical structure appear in the organizational charts as departments, departments or teams, these groups are officially created to fulfill a certain continuous function. In contrast, temporary workgroups are task groups created specifically to solve a problem or perform a defined task. they disintegrate as soon as the assigned goal is achieved. The most common type of formal group in the organization is the command group to which the manager and his subordinates belong. The formal structure of the organizations consists of a series of joint command groups. Leaders belong to the command groups formed by them and their subordinates and at the same time to the command groups composed of their colleagues and senior managers. Groups go through five phases: education, conflict, regulation, success, and decadence.

The 1st stage of the training is characterized by great uncertainty about the objective, structure and leadership of the group. Members « explore the waters » to determine what behaviours are acceptable. The phase ends when the members begin to consider themselves part of the group. In this sense, command groups and working groups dictated by organizations are formal groups, while interest and friend groups are informal alliances. Self-esteem: Groups convey feelings of value to people; That is, in addition to communicating a position to strangers, belonging to a group also promotes the feeling of worth the members themselves. .