Exclusivity Agreement Format

This Exclusivity Agreement in its entirety shall be deemed to be the entire Agreement and shall be suspended from any prior agreement between the parties in oral or written form. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable or invalid, all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Both parties will be entitled to agree and replace the invalid provision with a binding and effective provision. This exclusivity agreement is concluded on the [Agreement.CreatedDate] between the parties [Seller.FirstName] [Seller.LastName] and [Buyer.FirstName] [Buyer.LastName]. PandaTip: Exclusivity agreements create a unilateral restriction that ensures that one party sells exclusively to the other and that the buyer does not buy the listed products from another party. Seller agrees that timely delivery is necessary to support Buyer`s business and also agrees to initiate shipment of all products requested under this Exclusivity Agreement within 5 days of receipt of the order. For a more general purchase agreement that does not include an exclusivity component, please read this purchase agreement. A document in which a party agrees to sell goods on behalf of another party is found in this shipping agreement. A document in which one party purchases goods from another party for the sole purpose of reselling them is found in this Distribution Agreement. Failure to pay constitutes a breach of contract. A reserves the right to terminate the exclusivity contract.

In the event of termination, B will continue to be liable for all funds due. A also has the right to take legal action to reimburse the costs due. All notices of this Exclusivity Agreement will be delivered by email, in person or by registered mail. All costs associated with sending such notice are the responsibility of the sender. All notifications sent should be sent to the addresses listed below. The parties agree that during the term of this Exclusivity Agreement and for a period of 1 year after the termination or conclusion of this Agreement, they will refrain from making any written or oral statement that could disparage or damage the reputation of the other party or cause harm to the party concerned. Seller and Buyer have expressed interest in entering into an exclusivity agreement regarding the following property: The exclusivity period begins on [START DATE] and ends on [END DATE]. During this period, A will not sell, advertise or request any property contained in the Agreement from any other party. The parties further acknowledge and agree that Seller shall be entitled to appropriate remedies, including injunctive relief and specific performance in the event of a breach of any provision of this Agreement. During the term of the Agreement, each party shall have access to certain confidential information relating to the activities of the other party. Both undertake to treat all information confidentially.

Confidential information can also be returned to the owner upon request. An exclusivity agreement describes the details of a buyer who agrees to purchase goods exclusively from a seller, so the seller is the sole supplier of the goods. Panda Tip: The delivery part of this exclusivity agreement template describes all delivery times as well as all shipping costs and responsibilities. PandaTip: An exclusivity agreement gives you the exclusive right to sell products or services to another organization. In most cases, the seller offers certain warranties or discounts in exchange for these exclusive rights. Both parties agree that they are bound by this Exclusivity Agreement in its entirety at all times. However, neither party will be liable for any breach of this Agreement caused by: This form has been created for general information purposes only. They do not constitute legal advice, advertising, solicitation or tax advice.

The submission of this form and the information it contains is not intended to establish a customer relationship and its receipt does not constitute justification. You should not rely on this document or such information for any purpose without seeking the legal advice of a duly licensed attorney, including, but not limited to, reviewing and advising on the terms of this form, the appropriate approvals required in connection with the transactions provided for in this form, and any securities laws and other legal matters; which are considered in this form or in the operations provided for in this form. Both parties acknowledge that during the term of this Agreement, they will be informed of certain information relating to the activities of the other party that is considered confidential. PandaTip: The arbitration section of this bill ensures that any disagreement related to this exclusivity agreement is resolved by a neutral arbitrator and not by a court. This speeds up the resolution of disagreements and saves both parties time and money. The signatures below constitute acceptance and acceptance of all the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. In case of need for arbitration, both parties will provide the arbitrator with all necessary documents relating to this exclusivity agreement. The selected arbitrator must be aware of the exclusivity agreement concluded and has been reviewed by all parties to that agreement. The buyer and seller wish to conclude an exclusive contract for the purchase and sale of [list description, quantity, unit price of items purchased here], hereinafter referred to as product; and now, for and taking into account the mutual obligations contained in this Agreement and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt and suitability of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties therefore agree as follows: The parties acknowledge and agree that Seller is entitled to reasonable remedies, including specific injunctive relief and performance for breach of any provision of this Agreement. In addition to any other right at law, if either party fails to comply with any of the material terms, provisions or conditions of this Agreement (including, but not limited to, failure to make a monetary payment on the due date), the other party may elect to terminate this Agreement if the default is not made within [number of days, insert here] days following written notification to the defaulting party. is cured.

The notification shall describe in sufficient detail the nature of the delay. The parties agree that no part of this Agreement may be transferred, sold or transferred to any third party without prior consent. Payments are based on the information listed below and include deposits, discounts and taxes, if applicable. On the date of shipment of the property, A will issue the invoice, payable under the [PAYMENT TERMS]. In the interest of both parties involved and to demonstrate receipt and confirmation of this Agreement, both parties agree as follows: Any breach of this provision will result in legal action and termination of this Exclusivity Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, all funds will remain due. In addition, the seller is entitled to continue the costs due. This Exclusivity Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the « Agreement ») is concluded on [DATE] between [SELLER] (hereinafter referred to as « A ») and [BUYER] (hereinafter referred to as « B »).

The Parties undertake to keep all information confidential and not to provide the public with information that has not previously been published as public. Both parties acknowledge that either party may receive confidential information about the other party`s activities under this Agreement. Both parties agree to keep all such information and the terms of this Agreement confidential and to take all reasonable precautions against disclosure of such information to unauthorized third parties during and after the expiration of the term of this Agreement. .