Formation Ssiap 1 Lyon

• PPE: the member of the initial intervention team is trained in the use of fire protection equipment, he knows the gestures that must be done to secure people and property; • ESI: The second member of the response team has in-depth knowledge of the fire, its prevention, safety equipment (fire extinguishers, RIA, etc.) and response options. • The « Fire Extinguisher Handling » training aims to enable your employees to operate these devices properly when needed. Fill in the fields of this form and click on « Send » to send your message to the person in charge of this training. – Type of validation: Participation in the training and passing the tests allow validation: Can you finance your training at Pôle Emploi? The answer is clear, YES! Pôle Emploi, the French institution for employment, offers a wide range of offers to finance your studies. For more information on funding training or organizing safety training in Lyon and throughout France, please contact craFS. Although I understood that a new week of training was opening up for you, I wanted to sincerely thank you and all the speakers of this week`s module: MED, Hooks & Lifting. SSIAP Level 1 (Fire Safety and Personal Assistance Service) offers a theoretical and practical approach to fire protection. It provides basic fire protection and protection capabilities. Thank you for these two years of training, during which I learned a lot (even if I still have so much to discover in this profession!), and thank you for doing everything you can so that we can graduate despite the current circumstances. SSIAP – Refresher courses update employees` knowledge. They should not be followed more than every three years.

As for the SSIAP refresher sessions, they are aimed at employees who have passed the retraining date or who have not worked enough hours in the position corresponding to their diploma. It is always a great pleasure for us to welcome interns from your school, who are for us a potential breeding ground for future intermittents. Also, I`m very sensitive to training because I went that way myself to get to where I am now. The SSIAP training extends over 67 hours and leads to an assessment that will allow you to obtain the SSIAP 1 diploma. Other sources of opinion of trainees on grim-EDIF training in Good Training. . Objective • Preparation of the qualification and validation of the SSIAP1 • Training in the use of security and alarm equipment (SSI, detection, alarm and firefighting equipment, etc.). Learn more about: Training Evaluation, Fire Protection.

Implementation of « SSIAP » training (SSIAP1 training – SSIAP2 training – SSIAP3 training) internally: CRAFS also offers training for the staff of all companies: Theme: SSIAP training – SSIAP training – SSIAP training – SSIAP training – SSIAP training – SSIAP training – SSIAP Paris training – SSIAP IDF training – SSIAP Lyon training – SSIAP Marseille training – SSIAP Lille training – SSIAP training Toulouse – SSIAP Montpellier training – SSIAP Nantes Training – SSIAP Rennes Training – SSIAP Rennes Training – SSIAP Bordeaux Training – SSIAP Metz / Nancy Training – SSIAP Grenoble Training – SSIAP Training Strasbourg – SSIAP Nice Training – SSIAP Examination – SSIAP Mission – SSIAP Intra Training – Mandatory SSIAP Training – ERP – IGH – SSIAP Jury Our fire training allows you to understand the risks, prevent them and intervene. Around the SSIAP 1, SSIAP 2, SSIAP 3, EPI and ESI trainings, you can learn the knowledge necessary for fire protection and put it into practice. • The « Gestures that save » module is an introduction to first aid. It allows the trainee to acquire the right reflexes and to know the procedure of information of the emergency services. • the SST (First Aid Staff at Work) certificate confirms the employee`s knowledge of first aid; He is able to ensure the essential gestures while waiting for the arrival of help. This training must be updated every two years via a training module offered by crafs called MAC SST. • The DEA training aims to teach the proper use of the automated external defibrillator, as well as some first aid gestures such as cardiac massages. In application of the safety rules against the risks of fire and panic in facilities accessible to the public and the safety rules for the construction of high-rise buildings and their protection against the risks of fire and panic, the decree of 2.

May 2005 the tasks of the fire protection service, the conditions of employment and qualifications of its staff, as well as the conditions for the approval of the centres responsible for their activities. .