Inter-Institutional Agreements

To avoid duplication, Ghent University does not sign PDF agreements (we only make an exception for new partners) and prefers to wait until our partner is ready to exchange the agreement in a digital format. We consider that a confirmation by e-mail is a sufficient guarantee to make places available to our students. The ETP infrastructure should be used for the signing of agreements and consists of two main elements: by signing an interinstitutional agreement, the institutions concerned agree to cooperate in the exchange of students and/or staff within the framework of Erasmus+. A visual representation of the agreements makes it possible to identify partners, find information and make informed decisions. The Université Libre de Bruxelles has produced a searchable map of 330 bilateral and multilateral agreements. A link will display the details of each agreement, including employee contact information. Students who wish to learn more about the inter-institutional agreements signed by their university should obtain this information from the International Bureau of their home university. This information will also be available in the Erasmus+ app. Ghent University is connected to EWP in production for IIAs with its internal system and has already successfully concluded several agreements. We will contact you to sign the digital agreement by email when we send the agreement via EWP. In spring 2021, the European Commission, through the national agencies, announced that the renewal of agreements in digital form was mandatory for the next Erasmus mobility programme in the 2022/23 academic year.

A formal interinstitutional agreement (IIA) with mutual commitments is essential for quality mobility. In Erasmus+, this includes a commitment to meet the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education in all aspects of the organisation and management of mobility. Erasmus partnerships should be based on areas of mutual interest in order to improve the quality of learning and teaching. It is recommended that higher education institutions sign this interinstitutional agreement as soon as an Erasmus+ grant is awarded and, in any event, before the first mobilities take place. NOTE: The submission of an interinstitutional agreement does not guarantee that the terms of the agreement or the related elements of the IACUC Protocol will be approved by the IACUC, the institutional head of the UMaine (Vice-President for Research) or the signatory having the authority of the cooperating institution. Researchers seeking coverage under another institution`s IACUC Protocol, or cooperating researchers seeking coverage under a UMaine protocol, may not conduct related research until the Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement Form have been approved. You should also be aware that UMaine or the cooperating institution may request documents or carry out verifications to verify compliance and may terminate the agreement with written notice. The Council, Parliament and the Commission agree on interinstitutional agreements. The Commission`s mandate is to take the initiative. Collaborations between institutions can bring more expertise and resources to achieve vertebrate research, teaching or awareness goals.

However, such collaborations may result in uncertainty about the individuals and institutions responsible for monitoring and activities related to the humane care, use and final disposal of vertebrate study participants. Inter-institutional arrangements aim to ensure that collaborative activities involving vertebrate animals are subject to appropriate review by the Institutional Committee for the Care and Use of Animals (IACUC), that all parties involved are aware of their respective roles in the provision of humane care and use of study participants, and that a communication system be in place to meet the compliance and reporting requirements required by the Confederation (e.g.B.B. Facility inspections, semi-annual review of protocols, amendments to the protocol). Interinstitutional agreements also reduce the possibility for investigators to be subject to redundant but potentially contradictory protocols in their respective institutions. Higher education institutions with questions about procedures related to interinstitutional agreements should contact the national agency responsible for Erasmus+ in their country. The University of Copenhagen shows how the involvement of faculty and academic staff ensures that agreements are based on mutual interest and compatibility of programs and are reviewed to maintain relevance and excellence. Although the overall responsibility for the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme and the creation of IIAs with partners lies with the International Bureau, the process is led by the faculties and/or departments (or their counterparts) responsible for information and communication. The content of IIAs is defined and maintained at the faculty or department level to ensure relevance and excellence. Once the content has been agreed, the International Bureau checks the quality and signs the agreement on behalf of the university. Communication with partners before, during and after mobility is controlled by the faculty or department. The Interinstitutional Agreement is used by the European institutions only for the purpose of helping to shape their working relations. Only administrative and institutional matters relating to legal, procedural and financial aspects may be covered by an interinstitutional agreement.

The Interinstitutional Agreement is based on the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TfEU). Tallinn University`s IIA database is hosted on a website supported by Google Maps. Each of the 400 AIIs is represented by a pin. The university uses this information in its « Touch the Exchange » stand, an interactive IIA installation created by the University Institute of Digital Technologies and the Baltic School of Film, Media, Arts and Communication. Depending on the user`s profile, e.B. Student/teacher/support staff, level of study, it lists options for scholarships and grants. The user can browse the places and academic areas and contact the responsible coordinator of Tallinn University. The screen supports incoming mobile students. International students can access information about studying in English and details of summer and winter schools. The AUTM Model Interinstitutional Agreement (Model IIA) was developed by AUTM members from a broad group of research institutions to create a common starting point for IIA negotiations. We invite all technology transfer offices to confirm their willingness to use the IIA model as a starting point for the model. They mutually commit to the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education in all aspects of the organisation and management of mobility and agree on a series of quantitative and qualitative measures to ensure high-quality and impact mobility.

Tallinn University, University of Copenhagen and Université Libre de Bruxelles If you have any questions, please contact Paula Portalatin, 581.2657. During this transition year, Ghent University will be flexible vis-à-vis the mobility partners that will take place in 2022/23. In 1998, the Council, the Commission and the EP adopted an interinstitutional agreement on common guidelines for the quality of drafting of Community legislation. Ghent University wishes to inform its (potential) Erasmus+ partners of the interinstitutional agreements between the programme countries under the new programme (for the period 2022/2023 – 2027/2028). The Institutional Committee for the Care and Use of Animals has developed an inter-institutional agreement for the care and use of vertebrates in accordance with the Guide to the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Tallinn University, Estonia, and Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, show how institutional IIA executives shape mobility options for students and staff and how they can be presented when deciding on a mobility internship. In principle, you don`t have to worry about the system used by your institution or Ghent University, because we are all connected via paperless Erasmus and the systems know which tool is being used. .