Sydney Trains Enterprise Agreement 2017
The attempt to draw a parallel between the struggles of 1917 and the actions of today`s trade unions is a pathetic fraud. O`Neil represents an organization that has done everything in its power over the past forty years to suppress strikes and enforce the dictates of banks and corporations. To the extent that the unions are calling for a strike, they are of limited duration, as in Tuesday`s break, and aim to let off steam while officials prepare a sales agreement. The trade union action was carried out as part of ongoing negotiations on new company agreements (EAs) with Sydney Trains and NSW Trains, the state-owned enterprises that operate state railways on behalf of Transport for NSW (TfNSW). The issue at the heart of the IWLR dispute is itself the product of the union`s isolation from workers and the defence of the company`s collective bargaining system, which forces workers to negotiate separate wage agreements, not only by company, but often by construction site. Find your company agreement in the list below and follow the links to see all the details. PA delegates reaffirmed yesterday that Professionals Australia should file a PABO to enforce our demand for a single company agreement. Read more In a broader sense, the measures taken to restructure the railways are motivated by the search for a complete privatization of public transport services. The transfer of Sydney Region 9 bus routes to private hands in April 2022 marks the end of government-operated buses in the city, while the Newcastle bus service was privatised in 2017.
Sydney Ferries` operations began operating in 2012, while the city`s light rail transit networks and Sydney`s fully automated train line operate privately. The unions demanded that a single agreement be negotiated as a demand in EI negotiations. This means that Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink would have to jointly negotiate a deal. Learn more. Tasmanian Railway Pty Limited Cement Team Enterprise Agreement 2017 Your company agreement defines the remuneration and conditions of your workplace. Face-to-face negotiations with NSW Trains and Sydney Trains at the Wesley Centre were just beginning when we heard from Mr Alloway, CEO of NSW Trains, and Mr. Longland, CEO of Sydney Trains. Both convey management messages about restraint, justice and sustainability, but mean they are there to reach an agreement. Part of this is the introduction of the new intercity fleet (NIF), which has so far been hampered by opposition from workers who have refused to use the new trains for safety reasons. Negotiations on a company agreement – July 22 update The new trains are designed for operator operation only, with the role of the guard being replaced by a variety of CCTV cameras that the driver would monitor in addition to driving the train. Although TfNSW insists that it has no intention of releasing guards, they instead become « customer service guards ». This can only be seen as the first step in waking them up or replacing them with less skilled workers.
The CRU has again called on Sydney Trains to seriously consider our call for a single EA covering both Sydney Trains and NSW Trains staff. Sydney Trains rejected the compromise we had proposed to meet and negotiate 2 agreements. Learn more. Members are strongly reminded to vote in the PAB sent by CiVS to all members by email. Learn more. Now is the perfect time to join Professionals Australia. Members brought the two units into the room to negotiate together and eliminate the 0.3% wage offer due to strong labor disputes. Please ask a colleague to join you. In addition, ACTU and its subsidiaries did not fight battles by thousands of train crews. Instead, they have overseen the destruction of thousands of railway jobs and the imposition of the increasingly intolerable conditions that have provoked the current conflict. MEPs voted NO to send a clear message that we want to stick to the timetable and negotiate fair and reasonable wages and conditions for the future.
Sydney Trains and NSW Trains are also calling for greater flexibility in service schedules, including the lifting of restrictions on weekend work, night shifts and minimum shift times. In addition, companies are looking to make changes to EAs to make it easier for them to change employee job descriptions. After weeks of temporary work bans, workers stopped working for 8 .m. On Tuesday, a small group staged a short protest outside Sydney Central Station. Due to public health orders RELATED to COVID-19, the Union of Railways, Trams and Buses (RTBU) was unable to hold a mass rally and instead organized a « digital picket » via Zoom and Facebook. Congratulations to all the hard-working delegates and activists who have worked so passionately for a NO – this is truly your victory!. Also on Tuesday, about 60 Inner West Light Rail (IWLR) drivers from 7 a.m. to 9 a..m. and from 3 p..m.
to 5 p.m. .m stopped work.m. These workers are members of the RTBU Tram and Bus department. . Members from these regions will be transferred to Transport for NSW, not transferred. This delicate manoeuvre seems to be aimed exclusively at circumventing the provisions of the Traffic Administration Act, which stipulates that the conditions for the transfer of workers are maintained. Learn more. PA files PABO in Fair Work Committee – August 10 Update Members of the Sydney Trains union and NSW Trains overwhelmingly rejected the proposed amendment to delay negotiations. The unions spoke to the secretary about job security overall, covering the certificate, the CFR, the right to work review in the source, and issues related to the design, construction and maintenance of contracts for the new fleets. Members should be aware that Sydney Trains has taken a number of steps in recent weeks against collective bargaining representatives, shop stewards and CRU officials in a broader sense. Learn more. The Sydney Morning Herald revealed in August that the New South Wales government had commissioned consultancy PwC to produce a report on how the state`s entire transmission network « could be transformed into a commercial enterprise with a board of directors and management independent of government ».
In a brutal demonstration of the extent to which the RTBU is trying to atomize its members, not a single word has been uttered about the strike of light rail transit workers during the « digital picket » of railway workers. The RTBU Facebook page also contains no mention of the IWLR strike. The New South Wales Industrial Relations Board today issued a decision on the Business Function Review (CFR) and Real Estate and Commercial Services (PCS) dispute. Learn more. Please visit our website for meeting details. The RTBU, which « cautiously welcomed » the privatisation of buses in Newcastle, pushed this transfer of public transport into the hands of companies, leading to shorter routes, a deterioration in punctuality and the destruction of working conditions. NSW Trains and Sydney Trains have attempted to use legal loopholes in the form of an amendment to the company agreement to delay and derail our rights at work. These demands, together with the reduction of the maximum severance pay from 64 weeks to 12 weeks, clearly show that TfNSW is trying to pave the way for a major restructuring.
Company agreements are an important part of protecting our pay and working conditions. Usually, they are negotiated every 3 or 4 years, and if the majority of workers vote to accept the conditions, they are locked up. Even the meagre 3.5% will be accompanied by concessions. According to new South Wales` labour spending cap, introduced by the Labour government in 2008, any public sector wage increase of more than 2.5% means corresponding cost savings can be found elsewhere in the organisation. The RTBU will not challenge this provision, as it showed during the 2018 EE negotiations, when the union agreed to job cuts in exchange for a 3% wage increase. Union representatives met with the Minister of Transport and the two CEOs at 1:30 p.m. to discuss the negotiations. At the meeting, the Minister confirmed that Sydney & NSW Trains will propose a wage outcome in line with the NSW government`s wage policy, namely 2.5% including Super 2020 has been a difficult year for many workers and our families. Now is the time to secure our future and not delay and derail our business contract. The AP filed applications for interim injunctions with the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (July 15) to protect CFR and CSP staff positions from closure or staffing pending further orders from the commission. Learn more.
Professionals Australia has written to TfNSW and Sydney Trains challenging the reform of Propoerty and Commercial Services. Learn more. O`Neil`s demagogic and historically inaccurate remarks were an attempt to avoid growing anger among workers at this record of betrayal and to conceal the fact that today`s unions are the equivalent of the factory unions of the early 20th century, which obeyed the command of bosses and governments against the workers they falsely claimed to represent. Passenger train services in New South Wales (NSW) came to a halt on Tuesday morning when more than 8,000 train drivers, guards and other railway workers across the state began a four-hour strike. September 30 Update – Sydney Trains changes its recommendation to staff after PA letter PA members are voting to launch a protest action starting this Friday, September 3. Members of Professionals Australia yesterday (30 August) supported the launch of a protest action and we informed Sydney Trains of our intention to take industrial action. Experts from Australia, ASU and RTBU gathered at 10am for a virtual picket to hear Michele O`Neill, Brett Holmes and Alex Classens on the importance of our advocacy…