What Is an Example of the Word Contraction

Below are some of the most commonly used and common contractions you will encounter when speaking and writing in English. You accomplish this by not adding the word to a verb and making it negative. For example, you can and are combined to create a shorter word, you are. A contraction is an abbreviated form of a word (or group of words) that omits certain letters or sounds. In most contractions, an apostrophe represents the missing letters. The most common contractions consist of verbs, excipients or modals attached to other words: It would be = It would be. I have = I have. You are = You are. You can`t = You can`t. Let`s look at another example. You mean you will.

Two letters are missing from this contraction in the word will: w and i. The apostrophe goes where these missing letters belong: between the you and the first l. In some parts of the United States, you can target a group of people using a special contraction for you + all. It is written below – without the apostrophe. Click where you want the apostrophe to be. Take, for example, the word is not. This contraction combines words and not. When these two are paired together, the letter o disappears.

An apostrophe now takes its place to show where the missing letter was. Before you decide if you want to use contractions in a writing task, consider your audience and the purpose of the writing. Contractions ending in -s contain either the word est or a. There are some contractions, such as (walking) and wanting (wanting), which are written without apostrophes. Other contractions are formed by combination with the word no. In most cases, replacing the o in the word not with an apostrophe creates these contractions. There are two exceptions: will not be will not be and cannot be will not be able. Examples: Contractions are often associated with auxiliary or auxiliary verbs such as being, doing, having, and can have. We can say « it`s not raining » or « it`s not raining ». But we can`t say, « It`s not raining. » In negative clauses, we have the choice between using negative contractions such as not (n`t) and contracting the pronoun and verb (it`s). But we can`t do both. All contractions contain a punctuation mark that looks like this: You are is a contraction, a combination of the words you and are.

The combination of the pronouns I, you, she, he, we, it, and they with the words am, is, and are creates contractions. Here`s how it works: In a normal conversation, we rely on contractions all the time. When people talk to each other, they are usually expected to use (can, want, should) use the contractions whenever they can, as this saves time. The words that I am, I will not do it and I will not do it, are called contractions. Some people feel that contractions should never appear in writing, but this belief is false. The use of contractions is directly related to sound. For example, it`s raining outside or it`s been great for me so far, I really enjoy it here. For example, contraction could not mean it could not. As you can see, the o in not is not in the word could not. The apostrophe goes in its place, exactly between n and t.

If someone tells you that you should never use contractions in writing, they are wrong. It is perfectly acceptable to use contractions in most writings, including newspapers, fiction, and instructions. In fact, using contractions can make your writing easier and easier to read. When forming contractions, do not make the mistake of placing the apostrophe between the two words, as in the examples: could, does not have, etc. Apart from that, the formation of contraction is really quite easy once you practice. Feel free to use them in your informal writing, and nowadays they are becoming more and more acceptable in formal prose. And don`t forget to strive for concise and clear sentences! Contractions are two words that have been condensed into one. We use contractions every day when we speak, and we also use them in informal writing. They are formed by inserting an apostrophe to replace one of the letters. For example, your cat is so cuddly! or your kitchen always tastes so good.

In informal conversations, contractions with names are quite common (« My father will be home soon »). When writing, however, they are much less frequent than contractions with pronouns as I go, he and she is. They can put proper names together to signify that they are or have, for example, .B. in the sentence « Shelly comes with us » or « Jeff bought a new computer ». Pay attention to the homonyms of who and who is; The contraction is « who is » or « who has, » and the whole word is possessive, as in « Who is this car? » And of course, if you visit the South, you`ll probably hear the familiar « y`all » for « all of you. » Will does not become will. In fact, the word « will » does not appear at all in the contraction. Just think of it as an irregular contraction (as if we had irregular verbs). In short, you can use contractions conveniently in more informal writing and on relaxed occasions. For example, don`t judge a book by its cover or The cat is in its sleeping basket. Another example is when you and are combined to train yourself.

Now two letters, w and i, disappear, and the apostrophe fills this space with two missing letters. In informal writing (from text messages and blogs to memos and personal essays), we often rely on contractions to maintain a familiar tone. In more formal writing assignments (such as academic reports or session papers), avoiding contractions is a way to establish a more serious tone. Your cat is so cuddly! for example, doesn`t make sense or doesn`t sound good. When two words are combined, some letters disappear. You may only lose one or more letters, depending on the contraction. It is an apostrophe. Knowing where to place the apostrophe may seem difficult, but there is a fairly simple rule that works with every contraction. Remember how we said that contractions consist of two words that have been shortened? The apostrophe replaces all the letters contained in the original words but which are not included in the contraction.
